
Sinking Spring Presbyterian Church

136 E. Main Street, Abingdon, VA

Join us for worship every Sunday at 11:00 am, in the sanctuary, or by livestream.



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Worship with us

Sinking Spring Presbyterian is a welcoming congregation! Visitors are welcome to attend Worship on Sundays, as well as participate in many events in the life of the church. 

Is this your first visit to Sinking Spring either in-person or by Live Stream? If so, please complete the form below and submit so that we can get to know a bit more about you and send you a personal welcome.

Connect with SSPC

Find out about Sinking Spring's programs for children and youth, as well as our service and learning opportunities. 

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What we believe

Sinking Spring is a church for all ages. We believe there is value in every generation, and by sharing our lives together we discover the gifts we have to offer each other. At Sinking Spring we are serious about following the teachings of Jesus. This means that no one is a stranger here as we understand everyone to be a child of God. We hope that you will worship with us and join us in experiencing the great love God has for us as we are nourished in our love for and service to God.